
Monday, 17 December 2018

Summer Learning Journey : Day 1

DAY 1: In the Beginning...

Activity 1: The Legend of New Zealand

According to Māori mythology, much of Aotearoa New Zealand was formed when Māui, a powerful demigod, fished it out of the sea. Legend has it that Māui created a magical fish hook from the jawbone of his grandmother and that one day he took his hook, boarded a boat, and rode out into the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Once at sea, he threw his magical hook into the water and caught a fish. This ‘fish’ was actually the North Island of New Zealand! In honour of this legend, the North Island of New Zealand is sometimes referred to as Te Ika a Māui or ‘Māui’s fish’ and the South Island of New Zealand is sometimes referred to as Te Waka a Māui or ‘Māui’s canoe’.

(1) The Maori name of New Zealand is Aotearoa which means the land of the long white cloud. I choose this fact  because this a history thing and personally I hate history but when I found out what the meaning of Aotearoa meant.

(2) The largest city in New Zealand is Auckland although its capital city is Wellington. Secondly I choose this fun fact because I didn't know that Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand and also these facts can help me draw closer to loving history.

(3) Dairy farmers produce a whopping 100 kg of butter and 65kg of cheese each year for each person living in New Zealand. My last one is my favourite fact because I am in love with diary things because without them I wouldn't have been eating the milky delicious CHOCOLATES!!

Activity 2
I was born in Tonga I lived there until I was five then I came and reunited with the rest of my siblings here in New Zealand. For the past years here in New Zealand it was was like a straight roller coaster  but when I was in Tonga it was like a a bumpy roller coaster but I still miss the country I was born in because I gave up my Friends,Family and my school to come here but I am still grateful to be here because New Zealand had the only hospital to treat the sickness I had.Till this day on I am grateful to be in this country which also saved my life because about 3 years ago I was diagnosed with Rheumatic fever and their hospitals saved my life so till this day on I am still grateful and happy to be in the beautiful country of New Zealand.

Activity 3: Ice, Ice Baby
On your blog, make a copy of this footprint and, inside the footprint, explain how you create a positive, digital footprint. What do you do to stay smart online?.


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  2. Hey Akesa,
    I really enjoy reading your blog post, for activity 2, I love how you said "For the past years here in New Zealand it was was like a straight roller coaster but when I was in Tonga it was like a a bumpy roller coaster". When I was reading that I had goosebumps because it's such a powerful adjective.

    What is one of the things that you like about Tonga?. Keep up the amazing work!.

  3. Hi Akesa,
    Good work hope you have a wonderful Chirstmas and keep up the good work.

    From: your best cousin of all Solomone.

  4. Hi Dianne,
    First of all I just want to say thankyou for commenting on my blog and for all the compliments.The things I like most about Tonga is the BIG celebrations.

  5. Kia Ora Akesa

    I’m Izzy and I’m part of the Summer Learning Journey tem that gets to read your blog these holidays. What an awesome effort you have made on the first day.

    I love the facts that you picked! I absolutely LOVE chocolate also. I don’t think I could live without it. What is your favourite kind? Right now I really enjoy the Whittakers Smooth Caramel.

    Have you been back to Tonga much since you moved here? I love the description you use of the roller coaster. It must be a bit harder living on a smaller island? I’ve never been to Tonga but I’ve traveled to a few other Pacific Islands and the life style is very different to what I’m used to. New Zealand is lucky to have you and I’m so glad you were able to get the help you needed from the hospital. We are so lucky in New Zealand to have such a good healthcare system.

    You raise some very important tips about how to stay safe online. It is so important not to share too much personal information. Can you think of anything else you can do to stay safe? What about things you can do to keep others safe online?

    Akesa, this is a great start to your Summer Learning Journey. I am really excited to read more from you.

    Toki sio,

  6. Hi Akesa,
    I have really been getting some information from your fun facts but please try to reread your fun facts, the sentence is alright but please reread it. You have been really describing and comparing different things about Tonga and New Zealand. My favourite part is when you read New Zealand it was was like a straight roller coaster but when I was in Tonga it was like a a bumpy roller coaster. I really think you could do a bit better on your Digital footprint because some of the information is correct but could be way better than that.
    From Etuale

  7. Hi Akesa,
    I really like the way you said Tonga it was like a bumpy rollercoaster and in New Zealand its been like a straight rollercoaster. What are some of your favourite choclates? Besides that you are doing really well keep up the good work!
