
Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey

Day 5: The Dawn of a New Era…
Activity 1
From the 1840s onwards, many European settlers came to live in New Zealand. It was a difficult period in New Zealand’s history. As the settlers began to outnumber the Māori, a great war erupted between the two groups as they fought for access to land to build homes and establish communities.

Activity 1: Translating Phrases
Unlike the Māori, many of the European settlers didn’t speak Te Reo Māori. Instead, they spoke English. As you can imagine, it was very difficult for the two groups to communicate because they did not have a dictionary or a translator. These days we are able to use the Internet to translate words and phrases from one language to another.

Use Google Translate to translate the following five phrases from English to Te Reo Māori or from Te Reo Māori to English. Post the translations on your blog. Be sure to include the phrase in both the English and Māori to earn full points.


  1. Nau mai ki Aotearoa.
  2. ____ is my name.
  3. What is your name?
  4. He pai taku ki te takaro i te whutupaoro.
  5. Where do you come from?

1. Welcome to New Zealand

2. Ko Akesa toku ingoa  

3. .He aha to ingoa

4. I like to play rugby.

5.No hea koe?

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Akesa, great job on translating these phrases. Google translate is a valuable tool and now that you are aware of it you can use it more often.

    Keep it up, great blogging!
